Roses & Ruffles

Pink Roses and Carnations with gypsophilia make this gift timeless and classic, presented in a gift bow with its own water this gift can simply be placed on a table or side to enjoy for many days. Just keep topping up with fresh water and watch those gorgous pink flowers bloom.

As with all flower box flowers we recomend keeping them away from direct light and heat to ensure you get the best life from your flowers, full care instructions are provided with every bouquet and arrangment. 

should you have any concerns please dont hesitate to get in touch with Tanith and at the shop on 01547 528786 or send an email to 

Please note that the shade of pink flowers and colour of the gift box may vary from picture shown as we endevour to make each and every bouquet we make unique, if you have specific flower requirments please do get in touch. 

Roses & Ruffles

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
Cards Accepted