Star Gaze Lilies

Lilies never go out of fashion and this bouquet is a great choice for Mother’s Day flowers if your Mum loves classic arrangements. This display is elegant, sweet-smelling and long-lasting. Choose the Star Gaze display and when you send flowers for Mother’s Day, you’ll know that your parent will be remembering you fondly for the rest of the month.

Order flowers online, at our base in Knighton, or make your order over the phone.
Collect from the shop if you like or arrange flower delivery in Knighton or the surrounding area.


Our last delivery date is Saturday March 18th. Same-day delivery is possible when orders are made before 1 pm but this is subject to the availability of both flowers and delivery slots. It’s likely that delivery slots will fill up early so we don’t recommend leaving your Mother’s Day flower order until the last minute. 

Star Gaze Lilies

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
Cards Accepted