Smooch classic roses and carnations mix

Half dozen finest quailty red Roses and 6 red carnations make the perfect couple when combined in this timeless and romantic gift thats sure to impress.

Presented in one of our famours flower boxes, which contain special water with flower food to ensure your blooms last as long as possible.

We recomend keeping flowers away from direct light and heat to get the maximun life from you floral display.

its always tempting to pop flowers on a window sill to show them off but if its a bright sunny window this could be harmful and reduce the life of your flowers. 

If you like this bouquet but would prefer pink tones then take a look at our roses and ruffles gift box.

please note during the spring and summer months we do not always have red roses in stock so we recomend ordering this product at least 2 working days in advance. 

Smooch classic roses and carnations mix

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2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
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