Sylvie pink lily, roses and gyp.

Want to send something extra special? Look no further! Silky smooth and guaranteed to impress its recipient. A beautiful combination of pink lilies and roses make this that perfect gift to send to family, friends or a loved one.

delivered in one of our recyclable gift boxes, this bouquet is designed to remain in its gift packaging and just needs to be topped up with water every few days to ensure the flowers continue to bloom and can be enjoyed for around 3 weeks if not longer. 

please note that lilys are not pet friendly, if your loved one has pets you may wnat to look at one of our other stylish flower boxes such as Roses and Ruffles, a beutiful pink display similar to this design but without the scented lily.

We endevour to ensure all our flowers last as long as possible with the recepiant, for this reason upon delivery many of the lily will yet to have opened, the picture shown gives you an idea of what the bouquet will look like a few days after delivery, some times lilys can take up to a week to open. 


Sylvie pink lily, roses and gyp.

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
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